Friday, March 2, 2007

Estoy aqui!

I'm here, arrived at the hostel two hours ago, waiting for my room so I can sort meself out and wash off the travelling smelliness. Santiago is massive, hot and architecturally bizarre, that's about all I can report so far. I managed to hold a conversation in Spanish on the plane and now have a Chilean friend which makes me feel a bit more confident, though she does live in Valparaiso, by the sea, rather than in Santiago.

Found out where I'm working at last -

Centro Comunitario Los Navios

Since 1998, Community Center Los Navíos has focused its efforts on the continuing problem of child abuse in its various manifestations, including neglect and physical, psychological, and sexual abuse. The Center has several programs working in tandem to combat the mistreatment of children. The staff is divided into teams of Promotion and Prevention, which offer an afterschool program, workshops, home visits, academic help, and specific assistance tailored to the needs of individual families. Help consists of everything from distributing food and clothing donations, organizing medical clinics, securing police intervention for protection in domestic abuse situations, and homework help, to providing psychological treatment, a listening ear, and a secure place, attention, love.

Since the beginning, the Community Center has been an important force in the community, an open, welcoming place for social interaction and support. It is a well-used and respected resource for the entire community. One need only take a walk in the neighbourhood with a staff member (known as tías and tíos) to see the genuine bond those at the Center have forged with the community. They are greeted with warm affection and respond to the tragic stories they are told every day by with empathy and action. The permanent contact with the community has allowed the staff members to educate, intervene, and treat the various factors associated with child abuse.

The Community Center serves 100 children, ages 5 to 16, and their families. Most of the children live in the neighbourhoods Los Navíos, Los Quillayes, San José de la Estrella, El Rodeo, and Juan Pablo II, in the comuna, or region, of Santiago known as La Florida. The socioeconomic condition in the area is one of social exclusion, high poverty, illiteracy and low academic achievement, domestic violence, and students at a high risk for academic desertion.

So looks like it's going to be pretty challenging and I'm worried about my Spanish, but I'm sure it'll all come together after a few weeks.

Right now I just want a shower...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good luck lady!!
i'll be keeping an eye on this thing :) x