The Mapocho. Not quite as impressive as The Seine, to say the least:

BK Centre in Providencia - I might be living in this area, it's rather nice! Santiago definitely gets ten points for greenery, with added merit for trees :

The sun's in my eeeeeeeyes, or, 'Yes, I am really here':

And, yes, the weather's fantastic, though I have a nice pink stripe on my forearm where I missed putting suncream. Mmmm. Going to look at appartment tomorrow and meet the other volunteers, then it's onto orientation week and whatever that involves on Monday. I'm incredibly scared about my job, am going to make sure I do lots of spanish revision next week because apparently if you're not all chatty and jokey when you get there they'll think you're rude, and at the mo' I can only just form sentences. Eek.
Hasta pronto.
I'll make the photos bigger next time but am on a slow PC at the moment so had to do them smaller so it wouldn't take forever.
9a.m. Sunday great to see the photos, size ok. Envy you the sunshine. Sounds as though you are settling in. Super having Mum here, progressing slowly.
Oh I miss South America! Santiago is such a lovely city. Waaah! Don't worry too much about the Spanish - most Chileans I met were incredibly friendly and if you make an effort and smile they won't think you're rude. But it's much nicer being able to communicate (I had no Spanish when I went so basic sentences were my crowning glory!). I worked briefly in an oprhanage in Bolivia and still miss the kids. Have a great time!!! Also nice to see what you look like!
Entering Paddington by train there is graffiti on the wall "Far away is near at hand in images of elsewhere" I never understood what it meant until now that you are far away but near at hand when we can see the images you send us on this blog. We will follow it avidly. Grandma improving slowly but surely We both send our love.
Thanks, Grandpa, I'm v. glad you have teh computer so we can keep in touch so well and you can see what's going on here. Lots of love :)
Hey Growler, thanks! Spanish is actually getting better already, hoorah!
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